Unified Origin Created with Sketch.

SCTE 35-based Dynamic Ad Insertion for Live

Using AWS Elemental MediaTailor

This demo showcases an ad insertion workflow based on SCTE 35 messages that mark the start and end of ad breaks in a live stream. Unified Origin ingests this stream, adds the relevant signaling to the DASH and HLS client manifests and splices the media at each marker so that a third party insertion service can manipulate the manifest and replace the media segments within the ad break.

The benefits of this solution:

  • Monetize Live streams by inserting/replacing advertisements
  • Easy to integrate and based on current industry practices
  • Unified Origin prepares the content, a third-party service inserts the ad through manifest manipulation
  • Offers frame accurate ad insertion because Unified Origin can splice media segments
  • Available for DASH and HLS
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